Business Cards IQ | Virtual Business Card - no typing contact exchange

Blow Potential Customers away and Grow Your Business Faster using our State-of-the-Art Smart Business Cards

Imagine someone getting your contact information simply by tapping their phone on your business card!

How our Business Cards IQ Cards Work for your Business.

  • Step 1: 
    Hold your Smart Business Card close to any Smartphone.

  • Step 2:
    Your contact info instantly pops up on a potential customer's phone.

  • Step 3:
    They can type in their info to instantly share it back with you.

  • Step 4: 
    An automated follow-up nurtures that prospect into a sale.

Your business card works just like a tap to pay or a hotel card key! Just like you tap your phone to pay, or hold the hotel keycard to the room lock, your smart business card just needs to be tapped by a smartphone, and voila your contact link pops up on your contacts phone.

What's Included with each Smart Business Card IQ Card


An Embedded Smart NFC Chip

No more handing out business cards that ultimately get thrown away. You simply hold on to one card inside of your wallet and, when you're ready to share your info with a prospect, you hold it next to their phone to connect.

One card is all you'll ever need from now on.


An Elegant Smart QR Code

Each card also comes with a special QR code that can be scanned with any phone's camera. This code then leads your potential customer to your digital business card so that they can save your contact info.

This is perfect when you run into the occasional older phone that doesn't have native NFC Scanning built into it.


The Digital Business Card Profile

You're also getting a custom built digital business card with all of your contact info and important links. 

This is the special webpage that your card leads to when someone scans the card. No App Required and it works on all Iphone or Android phones natively.

Most of the time at networking events, we give away a lot of typical business cards and then hope that someone contacts us. But with a Smart Business Card, you have not only the coolest business card in the room but a landing page with your contact information including calls to action so that the prospects take the next step (not sure what that should be? We can help you out with that too).

Get Your Smart Business Card IQ Card for Free

(Just Pay Shipping and Handling)

The Business Card IQ Card


Get yours shipped directly to your door while supplies last. Your Smart NFC Business Card normally arrives within 7 business days from the time of your order.


So the choice is yours... You can carry a single business card, one that is the coolest in the room, and one that makes you stand out at your next networking event and ensures people get your contact information, or you can keep buying and handing paper business cards hoping that someone can find it after they meet you.

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The 40 CardTap Founder Spots have Sold Out.

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